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Week 4

Filed under: Uncategorized — mromano6 at 8:16 pm on Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 4 included a lot of war history and how this introduced todays new technology. I learned about Montgomery Meigs who  introduced the rationalization of life, Max Weber a German sociologist, and Vannevar Bush’s famous letter. Bush’s letter in other words said we publish too much information and are not making use of it. I personally agree with this. We have a plethora of information either online or libraries, but we don’t make the appropriate use of it. We continue to create books, magazine, journals, etc. and I’m confident to say that not all of it is being read by our society. This is where the memex comes in, the internet of the past. A desk that stored all the information. You were able to photograph it. The idea was to find something useful, you photograph it and read it. Yo could also write comments. We have a much better version of it now and somehow we area not taking full advantage of it. Additionally, WWII is an example of extreme elaborated command and control system. For example, the office of price control, which was empowered to set prices and to establish rations for good and deemed vital like gasoline, rubber but also 90% of food for sale; food prices could not se raised. Other topics related to this was the transistor, the Audion, vacuum tube, and CERN.
Lastly, My main lesson from week 4 would be “the more you are individualized the less free you are”

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