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Week 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — mromano6 at 7:47 pm on Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 3 contained a diversity of topics. We read Carr, The Shallows, and viewed “The Annihilation of Space and Time”. First of all, I found this book to be very repetitive and imposing authority. As we discussed in class, it’s kind of contradicting that such book was imposing rules norms we must follow, but as the professor mentioned, this book was written long time ago and the author isn’t here anymore; therefor, why should we based actions on it? I found this book uninteresting.
Also, I learned about the “medium” a means of affecting of converting something; such as a substance. The medium is the message for example, the phone is the message not the text.

Ultimately, we learned about idealism vs. realism. I found it to be a very interesting topic. Once I heard the definition of each I automatically thought I was a realist, but as we got into depth I started to question if I had a little bit of idealist in me as there are some things that agree with idealism. Of course, to make it more contradicting we cannot be both. I believe in God, but I still considered myself 100% realist. I believe we are in charged in most of the situations. we make things happen they don’t automatically happen. If you want to live certain way, then you must work for it. I think idealism can somehow play its role because we work towards something because we want it to be perfect (ideal) but if it doesn’t work we move on and keep fighting for it. We prepare ourselves to deal with the outcome of whatever situation we are working on.

Week 2

Filed under: Uncategorized — mromano6 at 6:55 pm on Sunday, September 23, 2018

No class

Week 1

Filed under: Uncategorized — mromano6 at 6:14 pm on Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 1 was the introduction of music history. The main question was why does popular music taste the way it does nowadays? which I believe,  todays music sounds the same because the same people write for different artist. Also, they create easy music/rhythm and if it becomes a hit song they’ll will create another song with similar tones. Producers use easy equipment for it and rather keep using the same instead of creating new techniques.
 Additionally, I was not familiarized with some of the terms used, such as dynamic rage in music. Throughout the class I was able to understand a little more of what it mean and how it worked. We were able to check a website and find artist with levels of dynamic rage. I learned that there is data compression and dynamic rage compression, people hear louder as better, technology has surrounded us with distractibility and how technology has definitely affected todays music. 

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — mromano6 at 1:59 am on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

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